FTP Accounts in Hosting
Creating and administering multiple FTP accounts will be really easy with any of our Linux hosting packages. This functionality isn’t restricted, so with our simple-to-use Hepsia hosting Control Panel, you will be able to create as many FTP accounts as you have to, in order to administer your websites and to get your website-related tasks accomplished. In case you hire a web designer and they are done with the website, for instance, you can edit the FTP password or delete the entire FTP account with just one click via the Control Panel. For the sake of convenience, you’ll be able to see a list of all the FTP accounts that you have set up and the directories that they can connect to. Handy functions such as editing the access path or the password and downloading an auto-config file for famous FTP applications are also only one mouse click away.
FTP Accounts in Semi-dedicated Hosting
When you host your websites under a semi-dedicated server account, you’ll be able to set up a different FTP account for any of them, as we have not set a restriction on this service with any of our semi-dedicated server plans. You can do this through the FTP section of our easy-to-use Hepsia Control Panel where you can also see the full list of all the FTP accounts that you’ve created, along with the folder that each one can access. If needed, you will be able to modify the password for a particular account or to edit its access path with a few mouse clicks. You can also delete an account with ease in case you do not need it any longer – for example, if you’ve hired a web developer who’s done with the website and you do not want them to access your website files any longer. For the sake of convenience, we’ve shot a number of how-to videos, which will help you administer your FTP accounts effortlessly in case you’ve never used a website hosting package before.